Benefit to patients and the NHS of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) after Primary percutaneous coronary Intervention (PPCI) Pathway Activation
Sponsor: University of Bristol
REC Number: 12/SW/0326
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) can be used to provide detailed pictures of the heart and is used by cardiologists to assess heart function and guide treatment in people who had, or were suspected of having, a heart attack. We want to set up a multicentre registry by making use of data collected by NHS hospitals in the course of providing usual care for those patients. Such a registry will provide information on CMR use and how CMR influences patient management.
The PIPA study is determining whether it is feasible to set up such a registry, for example, whether hospitals can retrieve the data we need and whether we can merge data from different sources (for example, data from the Emergency Department and ward, data describing blood and imaging test results) for a particular patient. We have finished recruiting patients with suspected heart attacks from four hospitals in the UK (Bristol, Leeds Cardiff and Swansea), two with and two without CMR readily available. We are assembling a database containing information on patient characteristics, details of interventions and clinical outcomes, and whether CMR has been used or not. We are requesting hospital activity data from NHS Digital on all patients who participated in the study so that we can add information about future hospital care to the database. We are also requesting data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) where all births and deaths are recorded. Please contact the study team if you do not wish us to include information about you from NHS Digital or ONS on the database.
Feasibility of identifying the patient cohort from routinely collected data
Contact Information
Chief Investigator: Prof Barney Reeves