Study Design and Set-up
- Advising on the optimal design to answer the question,
- Grant writing,
- Protocol development,
- Participant documents.
Study Management
- Regulatory approvals and research governance,
- Study specific SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
- Study monitoring,
- Pharmacovigilance.
Data Capture and Management
- CRF (case report forms) design
- database design, including randomisation and follow-up management
- data queries
- full audit trail
- University or NHS-hosted solutions
- Sample size,
- Analysis plan,
- Reports for study teams and oversight committees,
- Final analyses and reporting.
Health Economics
- Analysis plan,
- Collection of quality of life and resource use data,
- Economic evaluation,
- Analysis and reporting.
Qualitative Research
- Design and implementation,
- Capturing participants’ and professionals’ views and experiences using multiple methods,
- Qualitative analysis and reporting.
Our team includes research nurses, project support officers, administrative staff, and staff with financial and project management expertise.